Dr. Habeebat Nike Adam: A Distinguished Mother Called Abiamo.



Earlier on, while I was glancing through the pages of my diary as an acts of checking up on my loved ones. Boom! I get to a page, There, I need to stop and my conscience speaks to me that it's another year of a distinguished mother called Abiamo. And that's you! Then, I said to myself, My instinct was right.

Alhamdulillah πŸ™πŸ™ For another year of prosperity and magnificent today dated 18th February, 2023. From the depth of my heart, I'm wishing you and all round success and mission accomplished in life.

I remember those days when you carried my issues upon yourself which made people tagged me your son. I appreciate your motherly roles throughout the journey.

Ma, Deservedly, You earned yourself a page in the book of Chronicles and your giant stridence towards humanity shall be praised forever, though, already documented in a pamphlet never torn.

Continue with your good virtues and you shall receive abundant blessings and sufficient grace forever till eternity,

Today, I prophesied for Allah's light to serve as a guiding force towards your way! Insha Allah πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Allah's Rahman, Nur, Afiyah, Barakah, Nimah, Iradah to be with you Fi Duniyah wal AkhirahπŸ™πŸ™

Henceforth,This shall be the beginning of your ultimate success as your day really blossom into a dream come true, So shall your joy never cease coming Insha Allah πŸ™πŸ™

Thanks for lending a shoulder to lean on.

Happy Red-letter Day To You Ma!


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